
Saturday, November 3, 2012

~ Coconut Crêpe Cake...

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sayang semua... 

Hari ini tak ada cerita yang ingin dikongsikan.. Cuma nak kongsikan resipi Coconut Crêpe Cake yang Diana buat kelmarin.. Tempoh hari ternampak resipi Coconut Crêpe Cake kat blog Delicious Shots... Tu yang buat tu kelmarin.. Cuma kalau letak dalam peti ais kenalah keluarkannya terlebih dahulu jika dah sapu coklat glaze tu.. Macam gambar yang Diana ambil ini memang baru sahaja dikeluarkan dari peti ais.. Malas nak tunggu coklatnya cair sedikit.. Yang best makan kek ni kita potong dulu lepas tu baru curah lagi coklat glaze di atas.. 

Apa kata kita tengok resipinya... Terima kasih kepada tuan punya resipi dan izinkan Diana kongsikannya bersama di SBK pula ya.. 

:: Resipi Oleh ~ Delicious Shot  ( TQ )


~ Crêpe recipe...
(Do double recipe)

  • 1 1/8 cups of flour
  • 2 eggs lightly beaten
  • 1 1/2  cup milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3 tablespoons melted butter, plus more for the pan
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

  1. Sift together the flour, salt and sugar. 
  2. In a separate bowl, mix together eggs, milk and water and pour the mixture into the dry ingredients whisking constantly until you get a smooth batter. 
  3. Stir in the melted butter, cover and let the batter rest in the fridge for 45 minutes.   
  4. Heat a crepe pan and grease with some butter. Pour enough batter to coat the botton of the pan, make sure it gets spread evenly. 
  5. Cook over medium heat for about 45 seconds, flip and Cook for another 30 seconds. 

~ For the coconut pastry cream...

  • 6egg yolks
  • 1/2 sugar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon coconut extract

  1. Sift together the flour and cornstarch. 
  2. Whisk together the egg yolks and half the sugar until pale. 
  3. Add the flour/cornstarch mixture and mix until smooth. 
  4. Place the milk, coconut milk, vanilla pod, coconut extract and the remaining sugar in a saucepan. 
  5. Bring to a boil and add it to the egg mixture, stirring continuously. 
  6. Pour back into the saucepan and cook stirring until the cream is thick but smooth, about a minute. Stir in the butter. 
  7. Transfer to a bowl and cover the surface of the pastry cream with plastic wrap placed directly over the top. Let it cool completely.

~ For the Chocolate Glaze...

  • 8oz 70% Dark chocolate, chopped
  • 150 grams of unsalted butter cut in pieces, at room temperature
  • 2 tablespoons light corn syrup

  1. Melt the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Make sure the bowl is not touching the water. 
  2. Once the chocolate and butter are completely melted, stir in the corn syrup. 
  3. Cover the surface of the chocolate with plastic wrap placed directly over the top. 
  4. Let it cool to room temperature.

To Assemble
  1. Lay 1 crêpe on a cake stand and cover with coconut pastry cream. 
  2. Repeat until you use all the crêpes. 
  3. Cover and refrigerate for half and hour. Cover with chocolate glaze and sprinkle with toasted coconut.

:: Note ~ Add the chocolate glaze right before serving.  


  1. aslmkm akak sayang...cantiknyaaa kek...sedap nampak dgn krim...nak sepotong..

  2. @Anna Qawina

    Salam Anna cayang... boleh... banyak pun tak per.. ;)

  3. salam perkenalan, kak ina dah join kat sini silalah join balik. terima kasih.

  4. Assalmualaikum kak D hemmm tegoda lah dgn resepi ni...dpt rasa sepoong pun dah best...tq resepi kak D

  5. SEdap nampaknya... dan cantek! nk cikit...

  6. Salam Diana,

    Nampak sangat menarik..saya tak pernah rasa lagi...memang teringin nk mencuba resepi...terima kasih kerana sudi berkongsi.

  7. yumyum..terliur lak walking here..singgah ler blog sy gak kat tgk bunga2 cantik mekar dlm cara berbeza ssuai utk deko umah anda..

  8. Kak, rasa macam mana ye crepe nih? nampak sangat menggiurkan huhuhu..teringin nak try.
